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What Is TSA Precheck?

Updated: Jul 21, 2022

Your flight is booked, you’ve packed your bags and now you’re eagerly heading to the airport. Sure you got there three hours early as recommended, but the line for security is long and makes you nervous! With airports seeming busier than ever, waiting in line can cause unnecessary stress before your trip. TSA Precheck can help, but what exactly is it? We’re uncovering everything you need to know about how to get and use TSA Precheck. Take a look!

What Is TSA Precheck?

TSA Precheck is a USA program that over 200 airports offer. It allows eligible, low-risk users to pass through security screenings faster. With TSA Precheck you won’t have to remove your shoes, jacket or belt. Additionally, you won’t have to remove liquids from your carry-on and electronics you typically must place on the conveyor belt. During your booking process, you will need to note you are TSA Precheck eligible so your traveler number is associated with your flight ticket.

How Can You Join?

Joining the TSA Precheck program is easy enough to do, but does require a few steps to the process. First submit an application online, which the website states takes only five minutes to do. Once your application is submitted, you will have to schedule an appointment at one of the enrollment centers. There are over 380 centers across the U.S. Once your appointment is booked you will go in for a short interview to review your submitted application and have your fingerprints taken. After, all you need to do is wait to be approved and receive your “Known Traveler Number” allowing you to skip the TSA lines with ease.

Pro Tip: When packing your carry-on make sure to use our Ultimate Toiletry Packing List.

Interior of airport check in area
Join TSA Precheck to speed up the security process at the airport.

How Much Does It Cost To Join?

The application fee for TSA Precheck costs $85. Once you submit your online application and payment and are approved, your traveler number will be good for five years. So when you break it down, that’s $17 a year.

Is It Worth It?

Waiting in line can be annoying and add extra stress before your trip. While some might not mind standing in line for airport security, not having to unpack your carry-on can make passing through security easier. If you fly frequently, for the cost it is definitely worth the convenience.

Pro Tip: Make trip planning easy with these Best Apps For Trip Planning.


Before you jet off to Rome or on a weekend trip to visit your in-laws, set up TSA Precheck to make your travel experience run smoothly. It is simple to complete and affordable and will sure make your airport time more pleasant.

Do you use TSA Precheck? Let us know in the comments!


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